最簡單的豬扒醬汁 - 黑醋芥末豬扒 Pork Chop with Balsamic Vinegar & Dijon Mustard

Posted on Mar 10, 2015

Tags: #意大利陳醋#芥末#豬扒

最簡單的豬扒醬汁 - 黑醋芥末豬扒 Pork Chop with Balsamic Vinegar & Dijon Mustard





  1. 如用焗爐,把焗爐加熱至180C
  2. 用鹽及黑胡椒粉醃豬扒。豬扒一定要洗淨及抹乾。
  3. 準備醬汁,在小碗中加入意大利黑醋及芥末拌勻,加入蜜糖令酸味及鹹味降低,平衡一點。
  4. 用大火封煎豬扒的兩面,不要重覆反轉豬扒,只能反一次。
  5. 封煎後放上烤盤,用小匙淋上醬汁,然後放入焗爐或光波爐焗9分鐘。如用grill pan 煎可將時間縮短至4分鐘。
  6. 之後反轉豬扒,淋上醬汁,焗多1-2分鐘,讓醬汁收濃。
  7. 完成後不要立刻切,讓肉汁被肉質吸受。餘下的醬汁可以淋在碟上。

Pork Chop with Balsamic Vinegar & Dijon Mustard



  1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
  2. Season the pork chop with salt and pepper.
  3. Mix the sauce: Add balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard and honey in a small bowl. Honey is used to reduce the sour taste so the sauce is balanced.
  4. Sear the pork chop with hot pan. Only turn the pork once.
  5. After searing, put the pork chop on a metal baking tray. Put few teaspoons of mixed sauce on top. Place it into oven and bake for 9-10 mins.
  6. Then, flip the pork chop and add some sauce on it. Bake 1-2 more mins to make the sauce thick.
  7. Rest the pork chop for few mins. Let the meat absorb the juices back. Place the remaining sauce on top. Done.


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