檸檬蜜糖雞 Roasted Chicken Leg with Citrus

Posted on Mar 19, 2016

Tags: #橙#檸檬#雞腿

檸檬蜜糖雞 Roasted Chicken Leg with Citrus


在很早以前,也推出過檸檬雞的食譜 檸檬蜜糖雞,味道略為濃一點、惹味一點。相比之下,這次的檸檬雞食譜比較清爽天然,口感上較有層次。各有特色,各具參考價值。




  1. 把雞腿洗淨抹乾,在外層界開 2-3 刀。
  2. 撒下鹽、黑胡椒粉及蒜蓉醃一下雞腿,時間最少為 15 分鐘。
  3. 把焗爐預熱,溫度為 160C。(如用光波爐不太需要預熱)
  4. 用少許油起鑊,把雞腿以皮向下的方式煎香,然後反轉微微煎另一面。此方法除了令外皮變得金黃香脆,還令皮下脂肪卸下。
  5. 在慢慢煎香雞腿時,準備好一個小碗,把檸檬屑、檸檬汁、香橙屑、半個香橙汁及蜜糖混合拌勻,製成清新酸甜的醬汁。
  6. 完成煎香雞腿後,把雞腿取出至焗盤內 (皮向上),淋上醬汁,請保留2-3 茶匙的醬汁備用。另外,撒上少許鹽在雞皮上,令外皮更脆。放入焗爐焗 20 分鐘。
  7. 20 分鐘後,把半個香橙汁淋在雞腿上,焗多 5 分鐘。取出後,輕輕加入少量醬汁在表面,完成。

Roasted Chicken Leg with Citrus



  1. Wash the chicken leg and pat it dry. Score the skin.
  2. Add salt, pepper and garlic mesh to marinate the chicken for at least 15 mins.
  3. Preheat the oven (160C).
  4. Add little oil to the pan. Skin side down. Brown the chicken skin. Then turn it over and brown another side.
  5. While we are waiting for the chicken leg, we prepare a small bowl. Add lemon zest, lemon juice, orange zest and 1/2 orange juice and honey into the bowl and mix.
  6. When both sides of the chicken leg are golden, put the chicken to a baking tray (skin side up) . Pour the juice on it. Reserve 2-3 teaspoons of juice. Add some salt on the skin to make it more crispy. Bake for 20 mins.
  7. After 20 mins, add the remaining orange juice on the chicken leg. Bake for 5 more mins.
  8. After baking, add the remaining juice on the surface. Done!


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