只需攪拌機就完成!法式荷蘭醬 Hollandaise Sauce (Using Blender)

Posted on Apr 3, 2015

Tags: #blender#hollandaise-sauce#steak#攪拌機#牛扒#荷蘭醬#法國菜

只需攪拌機就完成!法式荷蘭醬 Hollandaise Sauce (Using Blender)

荷蘭醬,又名蛋黃醬,是法式有名的醬汁,口感滑膩的,牛油香及蛋香跟少許酸味令味道很有層次。此醬汁經常配合牛扒、火腿蛋鬆餅 Egg Benedict 及蘆荀等菜式。

傳統的做法是十分複雜,講究技巧及體力 (因要不停攪動)。我2年前曾經做過一次,味道很好,但難度很高,尤其是溫度及速度的掌控,而且牛油很輕易就跟醬汁分離。因此,決定找簡單的方法去製作這個獨特的醬汁。




  1. 把牛油在小鍋中慢火加熱,不要令牛油沸騰。當大部份牛油已融化,把火力收至最低。完全融化後關火。
  2. 把蛋黃、檸檬汁及鹽 (如用鹽味牛油則無需加鹽)放入攪拌機內,蓋好。按下開關掣10秒,放開掣5秒。重覆這個步驟數次,蛋黃的顏色會變淡少許。 攪拌機底部因摩打轉動產生熱量及空氣的加入,令蛋黃加熱並注入氣泡。
  3. 把小鍋中的牛油逐少倒入攪拌機,每次最多2茶匙,並重覆『按下開關掣10秒,放開掣5秒』十數次,觀察荷蘭醬的顏色及黏度。檢查黏度:用小匙盛起時,醬汁不會像水般流下,這情況代表黏度已經接近完成。
  4. 荷蘭醬只能儲存在室溫的環境1小時左右。如發現黏度太高或牛油分離,可開動攪拌機數次就會回復當初的狀態。

Hollandaise Sauce (Easy method: using blender)



  1. Gently heat the butter in a saucepan. Don’t let the butter boil. As most butter melts, lower the temperature. After complete melting, turn off the gas.
  2. Put egg yolks, lemon juice, salt (if salted butter is used, no need to add) into blender. Cover the blender. Press the power button for 10 seconds and release it for 5 seconds. Repeat the process for few times. The color of the egg yolk turns lighter.
  3. Pour the butter inside the saucepan into blender by a small amount. Each time, add about 2 teaspoons. Repeat the procedure "Press the power button for 10 seconds and release it for 5 seconds." for about 10 times. Observe the color and the viscosity of the sauce. To check the viscosity: pour the sauce using a teaspoon. If the sauce flows unlike water, the viscosity is close to ideal case. Finish it by adding the remaining butter.
  4. The hollandaise sauce can be stored under room temperature for about 1 hour. If the sauce is too viscous or the butter is separated. Use the blender to mix it few times. It will restore back to previous status.


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