京蔥不一定炒牛肉!烈酒京蔥炆雞 Chicken Stew with Cognac & Leeks

Posted on Dec 11, 2015

Tags: #brandy#cognac#leek#京蔥#干邑#白蘭地

京蔥不一定炒牛肉!烈酒京蔥炆雞 Chicken Stew with Cognac & Leeks

最近京蔥又平又美味 (在超市買2大棵都只是HK$6),只要花一點心思,也可以比京蔥炒牛肉、炒羊肉等等的傳統京蔥菜式來得更有風味。

上年我曾推出西式合味的京蔥食譜 - 白酒燜京蔥,今年加入雞件及改用烈酒白蘭地作為湯汁的主角,讓京蔥可以吸入雞的鮮味及白蘭地的酒醇,豐富味道。如果家人不能吃得太重酒味,可自行調節烈酒的份量。




  1. 把雞洗淨抹乾,用鹽均勻地醃一會兒。
  2. 將蒜頭及紅尖椒切片。
  3. 洗淨京蔥後,切成段,約1吋長。京蔥白色的部份才幼嫩好吃,綠色的部份不要。小技巧:不要去除最外層,否則形狀很難固定。
  4. 用中火起鑊,加入少許油,爆香蒜片及紅尖椒,然後煎香雞件的外皮。
  5. 當外皮變得金黃後,倒入白蘭地。白蘭地是極易燃的烈酒,小心會搶火。建議倒入烈酒前先把火力轉小。
  6. 當酒被揮發後,加入雞湯及京蔥,然後再注入清水,直至湯汁蓋過雞件及京蔥。
  7. 湯汁沸騰後,轉小火蓋上鑊蓋煮20分鐘。讓湯汁冒出小氣泡便足夠,火力不要太猛。
  8. 最後,加入少許鹽調味,完成!

Chicken Stew with Cognac & Leeks



  1. Wash the chicken and pat it dry. Add some salt to the chicken.
  2. Slice the garlic gloves and red chilli.
  3. Wash the leeks and cut them into 1-inch long pieces. The white part is soft and tender. Only white part is needed. Tip: Don't throw away the outermost layer of the leek. Otherwise, the leeks don't have fixed shapes.
  4. Add some oil to the pan. Medium heat. Fry the garlic and chilli. Brown the chicken. Skin side down.
  5. As the chicken skin is golden, pour Brandy to the pan. Be careful. Brandy is highly flammable alcohol. Very easy to catch fire. Recommend: Turn the heat down before adding Brandy
  6. After the alcohol is evaporated, add the chicken stock and leeks. Pour some water until the liquid covers the food.
  7. As the liquid boils, turn the heat down and cover the pan. Cook for 20 mins. Only small bubbles are given out.
  8. Finally, add some salt to season. Done!


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