牛扒傳統醬汁! 煎牛扒配阿根廷蕃茜醬 Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

Posted on Feb 26, 2016

Tags: #chimichurri#steak#牛扒#蕃茜醬#阿根廷

牛扒傳統醬汁! 煎牛扒配阿根廷蕃茜醬 Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

阿根廷蕃茜醬 chimichurri sauce 不需要烹煮,只要材料齊全及一部攪拌機就可以 100% 搞定。阿根廷蕃茜醬內有大量的新鮮香草,香氣清新。另外,材料有生蒜及辣椒粉,吃起來有少許辛辣。牛扒配上阿根廷蕃茜醬是經典的配搭,希望大家可以試試!




  1. 將番茜葉、奧勒岡切碎 (如用新鮮)、乾蔥及蒜頭去皮切成幼粒,放進攪拌機。
  2. 加入辣椒粉、2茶匙的橄欖油、檸檬汁及紅酒醋到攪拌機中,攪拌成醬。
  3. 可逐少加入橄欖油,再攪拌一次,令蕃茜醬更滑。如想醬汁更綠,可加多一點番茜 (我是瘋狂地加)。
  4. 盛起蕃茜醬至碗中,如發覺還是有點糊,可逐少倒入橄欖油並拌勻。完全不需要開火就完成 !
  5. 用高火把牛扒兩面煎香,然後放入焗爐/光波爐中焗 4 分鐘 (200C),大約有 5 成熟。

Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce



  1. Chop parsley, oregano, shallot and garlic. Put them into blender.
  2. Add chilli powder, 2 teaspoon of olive oil, lemon juice and red wine vinegar into blender. Blend them into sauce.
  3. Continuously add olive oil into blender to make the sauce smooth. If you like greener in colour, add more parsley.
  4. Pour the sauce into a small bowl. If the sauce is too viscous, add some olive oil and stir. Done!
  5. Hot pan with olive oil. Sear the steak with one side. As the side turns brown and little crispy, turn it over and sear another side. Then, put the steak in the oven. Bake for 4 mins at 200C. Done.


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