絲般順滑的南瓜湯 Silky Pumpkin Soup

Posted on Nov 29, 2015

Tags: #pumpkin#南瓜#湯

絲般順滑的南瓜湯 Silky Pumpkin Soup

南瓜是萬聖節及感恩節的經典食材,而感恩節的南瓜大多是南瓜 pie,我做的十分簡單,把南瓜煮成湯而已。我一早已懂得煮南瓜湯,但老婆不喜歡南瓜味太甜,不夠順滑,改動了食材,比早前的版本來得更美味。




  1. 把南瓜去皮、去籽及囊,切成小塊。將洋蔥去皮切粒。
  2. 用中火把洋蔥炒幾分鐘直至軟身,加入南瓜塊,炒香。
  3. 倒入雞湯,待沸騰後蓋上鑊蓋,將火力轉低,煮十分鐘左右或直至南瓜可用匙擠爛。
  4. 把南瓜、洋蔥及湯倒入攪拌機攪勻,製成南瓜蓉,倒回鍋中。加入牛奶 (份量比例是:2份南瓜蓉,1份牛奶),並試試南瓜湯中牛奶的份量是否恰當。慢慢加熱,最後加入少許鹽調味,完成。
  5. 如想南瓜湯如絲一樣順滑,可用篩過濾太大的南瓜粒。

Pumpkin Soup



  1. For pumpkin, peel the skin and remove the seeds. Chop the pumpkin into small chunks. Chop the onion.
  2. Medium heat. Fry the onion until soft. Don’t brown it. Add the pumpkin to the pan.
  3. Add the chicken stock to the pan. When it boils, turn down the gas. Cover the pan and simmer for 10 mins or until the pumpkin chunks are soft.
  4. Pour the soup into blender to make pumpkin puree. Add it back to pan, add milk to the puree and gently heat. The ratio of pumpkin puree to milk is around 2:1. Finally, add salt for seasoning.
  5. To make the soup smooth, use a sieve to filter too large pumpkin puree.


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