薑汁蜜糖烤雞翼 Ginger & Honey Chicken Wings

Posted on Jan 30, 2016

Tags: #chicken-wing#薑汁#蜜糖#雞翼

薑汁蜜糖烤雞翼 Ginger & Honey Chicken Wings

薑汁蜜糖烤雞翼的主要醃料都是家中常見的食材 (薑塊、蜜糖及蒜),不需要到街市也可以製作此烤雞翼食譜。早一晚醃好雞翼,明天烤一烤就完成,輕鬆簡單。即使回家比較晚也可以煮到美味菜式!




  1. 洗淨雞翼及抹乾,放入食物盒/ 保鮮袋中,加入少許鹽拌勻。
  2. 將薑去皮,磨成蓉。搾出薑汁,去除當中的纖維。薑汁的份量約為 2 湯匙。
  3. 把蒜去皮,壓成蒜蓉,拌入薑汁中。
  4. 把2茶匙的蜜糖加入薑汁中,拌勻。將整碗薑汁倒進食物盒內,拌勻。確保薑汁已均勻地沾上雞翼上。醃30分鐘以上,最理想的是醃過一整晚。
  5. 預熱焗爐,溫度設定在 180C。如用光波爐,可省卻預熱過程。
  6. 在烤盤上舖上牛油紙 (為了方便清潔,懶的行為),放上雞翼,把少許薑汁滴在雞翼上。放入焗爐焗 20 分鐘 [正反各10分鐘]。如用光波爐,時間可縮短至 16分鐘 [正反各8分鐘]。
  7. 烤焗期間,把蔥切粒,備用。
  8. 完成烤焗後,雞翼只是熟透,表皮尚未完全金黃。將雞翼反至雞皮向上,塗上餘下份量的蜜糖,撒上芝麻及蔥粒。把焗爐的溫度提升至200C,焗多5分鐘 (光波爐: 縮短至 3分鐘),完成。

Ginger & Honey Chicken Wings



  1. Wash chicken wings and pat them dry. Put them into a lunch box. Add some salt to season.
  2. Prepare ginger purée using grater. Squeeze the juice out. Now, you have a bowl of ginger juice. At least 2 tablespoons.
  3. Use garlic grinder to make garlic purée. Add it into ginger juice.
  4. Pour 2 teaspoons of honey into ginger juice and stir. Pour the ginger juice into the lunch box. Marginate the chicken wings for 30 mins. Overnight is better.
  5. Preheat the oven. Set the temperature at 180C.
  6. Put a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray. Place the chicken wings on the paper. Add few drops of remained ginger juice on the chicken wings. Bake for 20 mins (10 mins each side).
  7. During baking, cut the spring onion into small dices.
  8. After baking for 20 mins, the chicken wings are cooked through and juicy inside. Flip the chicken wings so that the skin side is up. Paint remaining honey on top. Add some seasames and spring onion. Set the temperature of the oven to 200C. Bake for 5 mins more.


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