香草脆面羊架 Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb

Posted on Dec 26, 2014

Tags: #羊架#香草#法國菜#普羅旺斯

香草脆面羊架 Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb

這 Gordon Ramsay 羊架食譜賣相吸引,有點花巧,旨在顯示功架!我不是第一次炮製這道美食,但這次效果最好。改良了少許部分而已,卻帶來很不同的滋味。麵包糠不用現成的,自家用法包粒攪碎。另外,蒜粒令脆面香氣提升了不少。最重要的是不要加入太多香草,以免香草味太濃,蓋過羊架!




  1. 把羊架切成兩半,將多餘的脂肪除去。用鹽及黑胡椒粉醃數小時,用保鮮紙蓋著備用。
  2. 把麵包、新鮮香草等材料放入攪拌機中打碎,麵包糠會變成綠色。試試味道,香草味道不要太濃。
  3. 用高火把羊架封煎所有表面。然後放入焗爐/光波爐 190C 7分鐘。
  4. 把麵包糠平均倒在大盤上。取出羊架後,用小掃把芥末薄薄塗上一層,然後壓在麵包糠上,確保各位置都可以沾上。
  5. 放回焗爐中,200C 焗 4分鐘。這過程令麵包糠烤得香脆。
  6. 羊架大約是5成熟。不要太心急切羊架,待會兒讓肉汁被吸收。

Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb



  1. Cut the lamb into 2 halves. Remove the excess fat on top. Add some salt and pepper to the lamb. Cover the lamb with cling film. Put it in refrigerator for several hours.
  2. Put the bread cubes, herbs, garlics and other ingredient into the blender. Finally add the oliver oil and blend. The breadcrumb becomes green. Taste it. The flavors of herbs should not be too strong.
  3. Sear the lamb. Put it in the oven at 190C for 7 min.
  4. Put the breadcrumb on the plate. Take out the lamb. Add a thin layer of mustard on top. Put the lamb on the breadcrumb. Make sure all surfaces are "green".
  5. Put the lamb back to the oven at 200C for 4 min.
  6. The lamb is medium rare. Dont cut the lamb immediately. Let the lamb absorbs the juice back.


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