一罐菠蘿改變了一切!五香酸甜菠蘿豬扒 Spiced Pineapple Pork Chop

Posted on Mar 17, 2015

Tags: #fusion#五香粉#菠蘿#豬扒

一罐菠蘿改變了一切!五香酸甜菠蘿豬扒 Spiced Pineapple Pork Chop


此食譜我已煮過很多次,對用不同廚具去處理也十分有經驗,以下提供用平底鑊或 grill pan 的做法及時間,而焗爐及光波爐烤焗的時間也一樣,只是光波爐不太需要長時間預熱。




  1. 把豬扒洗淨抹乾,用鹽及黑胡椒醃。
  2. 準備醬料:把菠蘿片抽出,把罐內的糖水倒在小碗中,加入五香粉、辣椒粉、茄膏,拌勻備用。
  3. 煎香豬扒: 用平底鑊:用大火把豬扒兩面封煎,放入光波爐或焗爐焗10分鐘。
  4. 在平底鑊上撒上白砂糖,開中大火,讓糖慢慢溶化,當白色一開始消失,變成透明後,平放菠蘿片在上,把火稍為降低,把菠蘿片燒至微微金黃後反轉。當兩面都燒香後,把火力收至最細,倒入已拌好的醬汁,慢慢把醬汁收濃,直至剩下2-3湯匙。
  5. 把焗好的豬扒放在碟上,放上菠蘿,淋上醬汁,完成!

Spiced Pineapple Pork Chop



  1. Season the pork chop with salt and pepper.
  2. Prepare the sauce: Take out the pineapple rings from the can. Pour the syrup inside into a small bowl. Add five-spice powder, chili powder, tomato paste and stir.
  3. Pan-fry the pork chop: Have a hot pan. Sear two sides. Place it into oven for 10 mins.
  4. Have a clean pan. Sprinkle the sugar on top. Make the pan very hot. The sugar will start to melt and its colour changes from white to transparent. Place the pineapple on the melted sugar. When the pineapple rings becomes golden, flip them. When two sides are done, lower the power of flame. Pour the mixed sauce into the pan. Simmer until thick (around 2-3 tablespoon).
  5. Place the baked pork chop on the plate. Put the pineapple rings on top. Pour the sauce. Done.


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