摩洛哥香料烤羊架 Roast Lamb Rack with Moroccan Spices

Posted on Dec 15, 2015

Tags: #光波爐#摩洛哥#羊架#harissa

摩洛哥香料烤羊架 Roast Lamb Rack with Moroccan Spices

北非醃料 – 哈里薩辣醬 harissa paste 是常見醃羊肉、魚肉等的醃醬,有不少移民到法國等歐洲地方的阿拉伯人都經常以這辣醬製作家鄉菜,以摩洛哥菜最為人所認識。

哈里薩辣醬 harissa paste 味道不是太剛烈,而且香味獨特,跟羊肉是絕配啊!加入其他香料,更有層次感。此外,檸檬的清新使味道豐富起來。脆香的外層提升了食用時的口感。

哈里薩辣醬 harissa paste 價錢很平,只需要 HK$20 內,可以在 citysuper 內中東食品部買到支裝。




  1. 解凍羊架:早一晚由冰格放到雪藏格(0-4C),讓凍肉慢慢提升溫度,避免肉質變差。
  2. 把羊架洗淨抹乾,去掉表面薄層的脂肪及羊肉,將羊架切成一半。在表面十字紋,讓醃料更易"入味"。
  3. 用鹽及黑胡椒粉均勻地醃羊架。
  4. 調製摩洛哥醃料,將2茶匙的哈里薩辣醬、薑黃、孜然粉、甜椒粉及1/2個檸檬汁混合,均勻地塗在羊架上。封上保鮮紙,放入雪櫃醃一整晚。
  5. 預熱焗爐或光波爐。用高火把平底鑊 (鑄鐵製成的最理想) 加熱,加入少許油。當出現白煙時,這代表鑊的溫度已達至最高,把羊架的各個面都封煎。 [小技巧: 用鉗子將羊架向鑊面壓,令受熱程度更強,肉質迅速被封鎖,減少肉汁的流失。]
  6. 封煎後,放入焗爐或光波爐以180C 烤焗 8分鐘。
  7. 將麵包糠倒出大碟上,加入鹽、黑胡椒粉及大量檸檬屑,拌勻。另外,把1茶匙的辣醬和1/4個檸檬汁混合及備用。
  8. 完成烤焗後,將已混合的辣醬抹在羊架上,撒上麵包糠,形成外層。放回焗爐烤焗到7分鐘。
  9. 烤焗後,不要立刻切開羊架,要讓羊肉吸收當中的肉汁。最理想的效果是切出來的羊架沒有肉汁濺出。切出數片檸檬塊伴碟,吃羊架的時候下一點檸檬汁更理想。

Roast Lamb Rack with Moroccan Spices



  1. Defrost lamb rack: Put the lamb from to fridge with 0 -4C. Let the meat increases the temperature slowly. Avoid rapid change of temperature
  2. Wash the lamb rack and pat it dry with paper towel. Remove a thin layer of fat and meat on top. Cut the lamb into 2 halves. Score the lamb rack.
  3. Add salt and pepper to the lamb rack.
  4. Prepare Moroccan spice: Mix 2 teaspoons of harissa paste, turmeric, cumin, paprika and half lemon juice. Paste the mixture on the lamb rack. Marinate overnight.
  5. Preheat the oven. Use high heat to sear the lamb rack. Put the lamb into pan when you see white smoke (the oil is in the highest temperature). Tip: Press the lamb to the pan. Fasten the process of searing the juice inside.
  6. Put the lamb into oven and roast for 8 min under 180C.
  7. Place the breadcrumb on a large plate. Add salt, pepper and lemon zest. Stir well. On the other hand, mix 1 teaspoon of harissa paste and 1/4 lemon juice in a bowl.
  8. After roasting, spread the paste on the lamb rack. Put the breadcrumb on it. Roast for 7 mins more.
  9. After roasting, dont cut the lamb immediately. Let the lamb absorb the juice inside. Cut several lemon wedges. Serve with the lamb rack. Done!


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