煎豬扒配砵酒蘋果醬 Pork Chop with Port Apple Sauce

Posted on Mar 28, 2015

Tags: #port#砵酒#蘋果#豬扒

煎豬扒配砵酒蘋果醬 Pork Chop with Port Apple Sauce

有點感冒,只好吃豬肉吧…… 豬扒是不錯的選擇,但不喜歡重複的我還是試一試砵酒及豬扒的組合。第一次使用砵酒是配上鴨肉,甜甜的味道令肥膩大減。這次配上豬扒也不錯耶,推薦給大家!




  1. 用鹽、黑胡椒及一半迷迭香醃豬扒。
  2. 加入砵酒、另一半的迷迭香、蘋果粒、檸檬汁到鍋中,用中小火慢慢把蘋果粒煮至軟身。加入蜜糖或糖漿令醬汁迅速變得濃稠,盛起備用。
  3. 用大火把豬扒兩面封煎,放入光波爐或焗爐180C 焗10分鐘。
  4. 把焗好的豬扒放在碟上,放上蘋果粒,淋上醬汁,完成!

Pork Chop with Port Apple Sauce



  1. Add salt, pepper and half of the rosemary to season the pork chop.
  2. Prepare the sauce: Add port wine, another half of the rosemary, apple cubes, lemon juice into a saucepan. Simmer the apple cubes until soft. Add honey to the saucepan to make the sauce thick and sticky. Transfer the sauce into a small bowl.
  3. Make the pan hot. Sear all the surfaces. Put the pork chop into oven for 10 mins at 180C.
  4. Put the baked pork chop on the plate. Place the apple cubes on top. Pour the sauce on them. Done.


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