燒香辣龍蝦 Grilled Lobster with Spicy Butter Paste

Posted on May 2, 2015

Tags: #grill pan#龍蝦

燒香辣龍蝦 Grilled Lobster with Spicy Butter Paste

老婆很喜歡海鮮,但我很少煮,原因是的我的體質只能一個月吃一次左右。老婆生日,當然要挑戰一下煮龍蝦!這一次也是我不能吃自己煮的… 老婆吃的時候不停說火候剛剛好,很爽脆,牛油醃料很香,我只能聽,不能吃...





  1. 解凍龍蝦:早一晚把冰鮮龍蝦放到溫度較低的冷藏格,早上再把龍蝦放到室溫中。這樣慢慢把溫度提升能保留最大的鮮味。
  2. 在小鍋中放入少許鹽及大量清水,開火煮沸。把整條龍蝦尾放入熱水中,然後立即把火力解至最低,令水隔中冒起數顆氣泡。在水中浸煮。時間要十分準確,1 oz 龍蝦煮 1分鐘,6 oz 煮 6分鐘。如果一次過煮2條各6 oz龍蝦尾,千萬不要煮12分鐘,這樣會煮過火,令肉質變硬。因此總時間應是6分鐘。
  3. 浸過熱水後,以最快的速度把龍蝦浸在冰水中,瞬間令龍蝦肉收縮,肉質會變得更爽彈。
  4. 準備醃料:將辣椒粒、蒜蓉、蕃茜及牛油放入大碗中拌勻,形成醃醬。
  5. 把龍蝦尾切成一半,將牛油醃醬厚厚的抹在龍蝦肉上。放入雪櫃中醃1小時以上,而且冷凍的牛油形成保護層保持肉質的鮮嫩。
  6. 在燒龍蝦前不用事先解凍,應先把燒烤板grill pan乾乾地燒熱,然後從雪櫃中拿出龍蝦,把龍蝦肉的一面按壓在 grill pan上,燒1-2分鐘後反轉龍蝦,燒多數分鐘後就完成。

Grilled Lobster with Spicy Butter Paste



  1. Defrost lobster: Put the frozen lobster into 0-4 oC fridge overnight. On next day, place the lobster in the room temperature. This method is the best way to defrost all kinds of meat.
  2. Boil the water with little salt. As the water boils, put the whole lobster tail into water. Immediately turn the heat to minimum. The water only gives out small amount of bubbles. For every 1oz lobster, simmer for 1 min. In my case, i boil 6 mins. For this kind of calculation, dont boil the lobster for 12 mins if u have 2 6oz lobster. They will be overcooked. For this case, you should simmer for 6 mins.
  3. After simmer, put the lobster into ice water. The meat will contract rapidly.
  4. Prepare the paste: Put the chili, mashed garlic, chopped parsley and butter into a bowl. Stir well and make the butter paste.
  5. Cut the lobster into half. Place the butter paste on the lobster. Make sure the paste completely cover the meat. Put the lobster back to the refrigerator. Let the flavor go into the meat.
  6. Heat the grill pan to very high temperature. Put the lobster from the fridge to the pan. Meat side down. After heating for 1-2 mins, flip the lobster and heat for several mins. Done.


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