牛油果香蒜醬意粉 Pasta with Avocado Pesto

Posted on Dec 27, 2016

Tags: #牛油果#pesto#意粉

牛油果香蒜醬意粉 Pasta with Avocado Pesto

香蒜醬 pesto 是常用的意粉醬汁,帶有濃郁的羅勒 basil 香味,份外誘人。

牛油果的質感 creamy,擁有豐富的營養,絕對是不錯的素食食材。

因家中有不少牛油果,怕壞丟,所以把牛油果跟羅勒葉打成牛油果 pesto,配上意粉,成為一道簡單的晚餐主食。




  1. 參考意粉包裝的烹煮時間減1分鐘,即約8分鐘。記得加點鹽及油,間中攪拌一下。
  2. 把牛油果粒、羅勒葉、檸檬皮、檸檬汁、大半的蒜片、芝士粉及2茶匙橄欖油倒入攪拌機中攪拌。逐少加入橄欖油並再次攪拌,令牛油果 pesto 醬變得順滑,不起粒。
  3. 當意粉煮好,放入冰水中或用凍水沖至完全冷卻,然後瀝乾備用。
  4. 用牛油起鑊,當牛油煮成泡泡,加入餘下的蒜片及紅辣椒片炒香。
  5. 把意粉加入鑊中,用中高火把意粉炒乾。如發覺意粉推不開,不是分明地散開,可加入少許橄欖油炒勻。
  6. 加入少許鹽及黑胡椒粉,將意粉調味。味道不要太濃,因為會加入牛油果 pesto 醬,所以淡一點也可。
  7. 倒入剛製好的牛油果 pesto 醬到鑊中,以中高火炒勻,完成。
  8. 上碟時,可加入額外的紅辣椒片及芝士粉作裝飾。

Pasta with Avocado Pesto



  1. Add some salt and oil into hot water, cook the pasta about 8 mins (refer to the package).
  2. Put avocados cubes, basil, lemon zest, lemon juice, chopped garlic, cheese and few teaspoon of olive oil into blender. Continously pour the olive oil into blender until the pesto becomes smooth paste.
  3. Place the cooked pasta into ice water or under running water. Drain it.
  4. Add butter to the pan. When the bubbles come out, place the garlic and chilli.
  5. Put the pasta to the pan, stir fry it.
  6. Add some salt and pepper to season. The taste can be lighter.
  7. Pour the avocado pesto onto the pasta, stir fry the pasta and make sure all pasta are sticked with the pesto.
  8. Add some chilli and cheese to decorate. Done.


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