補身羊肉料理 - 意式炆羊膝 Italian Lamb Shank

Posted on Jan 12, 2016

Tags: #lamb-shank#slow-cooking#慢煮#羊膝#補身#鑄鐵鍋#意大利菜

補身羊肉料理 - 意式炆羊膝 Italian Lamb Shank

冬天要吃點羊肉補身,羊肉含鐵及鋅,鐵質高的食物對免疫系統有幫助,同時有助補血,而鋅亦為提高免疫力的礦物質。而羊膝的脂肪量少,而且價錢相宜 (約HK$40 一隻),是不錯的補身食材。






  1. 早一晚將羊膝洗淨抹乾,將蒜切成碎粒,蕃茜的葉子捲起切成幼條。在羊膝厚肉的部份界1-2刀,把蒜及蕃茜抹在羊膝上,及蕃茜塞入肉中,醃得更入味。用保鮮紙封好,放入雪櫃醃一整晚。
  2. 將蕃茄去皮去籽,每個都切成數份。挑走西芹中間的芹絲,削去外皮,切成段,約5cm長。
  3. 以溫度180C 預熱焗爐。
  4. 用中高火把鑄鐵鍋加熱,加入少許油,將整隻羊膝微微煎香,加入蕃茄及西芹炒香。注入雞湯及大量水,直至蓋於羊膝。
  5. 待湯汁沸騰後,加入茄膏拌勻,蓋上鍋蓋,並放入焗爐焗 2 小時。
  6. 取出羊膝,試一下湯汁的味道,如發覺太淡,加少許鹽調味。

Italian Lamb Shank



  1. Clean the lamb shank and pat it dry. Cut the garlic cloves into small pieces. Roll the parsley and cut the leaves into strips. Score the lamb shank with sharp knife. Rub the garlic and parsely on the lamb. Put it into fridge.
  2. Remove the skin and seeds of the tomatoes. Cut each tomato into chunks. Peel the celery and cut into 5 cm long pieces.
  3. Preheat the oven at 180C.
  4. Heat the casserole and add some oil. Brown the lamb shank. Add tomatoes and celery into the casserole. Pour the chicken stock and water until the shank is fully covered.
  5. After the liquid boils, add tomato puree and stir. Cover the casserole. Put it into oven and bake for 2 hours.
  6. Take out the lamb. Add some salt to season. Done.


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