經驗分享:第一次沒有鑄鐵鍋,只用錫紙蓋著焗。錫紙難以令熱力平均分佈,未能好好地把肉汁鎖上,令上方的肉質不夠濕潤。另外,鎖水能力也是重要的部份,鎖著鍋內的水份能令湯汁浸煮著羊肉,令香料及紅酒的味道滲入,更入味。我用的 staub 鑄鐵鍋,鍋蓋很重,而且有水滴專利設計,令湯汁難以蒸發掉。在香料上,我加強了辣味,羊膝不但入口即溶,而且吃完一口再一口,令人上癮。
紅酒炆羊膝食譜 (2人份量)
- 羊膝 1隻
- 辣椒 1條 [切片]
- 蒜 1瓣 [切片]
- 孜然籽 cumin seed 1-2 茶匙
- 肉桂條 cinnamon stick 1條
- 百里香 thyme 1株/1茶匙
- 甜椒粉 paprika 3茶匙
- 辣椒粉 chilli powder 1茶匙
- 鹽 少許
- 橄欖油
- 洋蔥 1個 [去皮、切粗條]
- 甘荀 1-2條 [去皮、切塊]
- 紅酒 約半支
- 雞湯 200mL
- 將羊膝洗淨抹乾,用辣椒、蒜片、孜然籽、甜椒粉、辣椒粉、肉桂條、百里香、鹽及橄欖油抹勻並醃製 30 分鐘。
- 預熱焗爐,溫度為 160C (只是上下加熱)。
- 用中火加熱鑄鐵鍋,放下整隻羊膝,加少許橄欖油,均勻地煎香外皮。把剛才剩下的醃料也倒進鍋中,炒香。如發現火力太猛,可改小火,以免香料變得焦黑。
- 加入洋蔥及甘荀,炒數分鐘。倒入紅酒直至蓋過羊膝,然後再倒入雞湯,令整隻羊膝被湯汁浸著。
- 待湯汁沸騰後,蓋上鍋蓋並放入焗爐內焗 2 小時。期間可留意湯汁會否太少,要避免羊膝變得乾硬。
- 經過長時間的炆煮,羊膝變得十分鬆軟,羊肉已經和骨分離,上碟時要小心。羊膝肉及湯汁一起吃,味道更好,要好好保留湯汁呀!
Spicy Lamb Shank
- 1 lamb shank (prefer small)
- 1 red chilli (sliced)
- 1 garlic glove (sliced)
- 1-2 teaspoon of cumin seed
- 1 cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon of thyme
- 3 teaspoons of sweet paprika
- 1 teaspoon of chilli powder
- little salt
- little olive oil
- 1 onion [peeled & chopped]
- 1 -2 carrot [peeled & chopped]
- ~ 1/2 bottle of red wine
- 200mL chicken soup
- Wash lamb shank and make it dry with a piece of paper towel. Add chilli, garlic cloves, cumin seeds, sweet paprika, cinnamon stick, thyme, salt and olive oil to the lamb. Rub all spices evenly on it. Marinate the lamb shank for 30 mins.
- Pre-heat the oven to 160C (without fan).
- Use the cast-iron casserole. Brown the lamb shank with little olive oil. Add the remaining spices in the marinate to the casserole. Stir well. Don’t keep temperature too high. Otherwise, the spices become burnt.
- Add onion and carrot. Fry for few minutes. Pour red wine until the lamb shank is covered. Add the chicken soup. Make sure the lamb shank is totally immersed inside the liquid.
- After the liquid is boiled, cover the casserole and put it into oven for 3 hours. Within these 2 hours, ensure the liquid level is too low so that the lamb will not be dry.
- After few hours, the lamb shank becomes very soft. Be careful when it is placed on the dish. Have the lamb shank with soup inside the casserole. It is very delicious.